That’s a great question.
The majority of churches use a Purchase Order (PO) system. One where most purchases have to be approved. But, why?
I think most believe it’s a good financial control.
They think they have to – a necessary evil. (But, secretly, they hate it).
Lastly, the good ole “we’ve just always done it that way.”
I’d like you to rethink whether or not a PO System as described above really serves your best interest.
Three Reasons.
1. Pastors and Staff HATE using a PO System
Let’s face it. A PO System is burdensome. Especially when the floor amounts are set low to where almost all purchases require a PO. (That’s because most purchases are really small and/or the person at the top is a control freak).
The typical PO requires the following:
Submit a Requisition
Await Approval
Create and issue a PO, send to vendor
Process the receipt of goods/services against the PO
Yes, there’s lot of data churches could use/gather from PO’s, but most don’t take time to gather/analyze. Why? It’s just more work.
Because of the steps required, Pastors/Staff abhor PO’s ( really, it’s because it takes time away from ministry).
2. It Slows Everything Down
This is really an extension of #1, but when everything has to go thru someone else, and for a lot of churches – an outside committee, there’s an unnecessary wait time. Submit a request, set it aside, pick it back up, follow up if needed and ultimately make the purchase.
3. It’s a Bureaucratic System
Inherent in this system is that it places decision making at the “top”. It’s a top down approach. All authority rests with someone typically not intimately familiar with each ministry head’s goals or budget.
It communicates “we don’t trust you to make the right decisions” – even if that’s not true.
|A Different Path|–
Most churches have a spending budget that was prepared by the ministry heads. Why not put the decision making/authority with the ministry heads? Allow them to manage spending to their budgets (which were already approved) and hold them accountable to that?
Supplement this by putting a couple things in place around:
1. Vendor Selection
Issue Purchasing Principles –
Seek balance between quality, dependability and price
Require a bid process where makes sense to do so
Require advance approval over a pre-determined amount
I’d suggest an annual review of recurring purchases as well based upon Principle #1.
2. Adding New Vendors
Instead of having a system that approves purchases at the top, have a system that requires the Admin/XP or Pastor (someone on staff), to review proposed new vendors. This will be far less repetitive, guards against fraud (adding fictitious vendors) and assures adherence to Principle #1 throughout the year.
* The Bottom Line *
This “different path” puts trust, authority and accountability where it belongs and speeds up the process thus allowing for more time in actual ministry.