Kicking It Up a Notch – Notch #5
So far, the essence of the first four notches [see first post in series] were to get income and expenses in the correct periods. All along, I have tried not to […]
So far, the essence of the first four notches [see first post in series] were to get income and expenses in the correct periods. All along, I have tried not to […]
In the Kicking It Up A Notch series, up to now, we’ve been talking about Expenses. Today, in Notch 4, let’s talk Income. Cutoffs: Get the last Sunday of the […]
Here’s what we’ve accomplished in the first 2 posts in the Kicking It Up a Notch series: In Notch 1, we deployed an Accounts Payable Module that enabled us to […]
Question: How does one make things better? Answer: One Notch (step) at a time. Incrementally. Notch 1 was getting current on invoices, or getting them in the correct period. It […]
I get it. Meetings are sometimes necessary. You know, the weekly Staff Meeting. Then there are others. Senior staff. Certain ministry staff. Support staff meetings and so on. Today, I […]
I ended my previous post with this statement: “Pastor, there’s no need to wait till you can hire a trained bookkeeper or accountant to take steps to make the bookkeeping […]
My bride and I used to watch Emeril Lagasse on the Food Network. He was rather animated and known for Kicking It Up a Notch! BAM! As a result, he is […]
Closing the books at your church is a crucial process. (Perhaps you think of it as a necessary evil). The end goal however, is the accurate and timely publication of […]
Today we closing out the 3 part series of Year-End Financial Processes with a discussion on Accounts Payable. See the first 2 here – Contributions and Payroll. The goal is […]
Here’s part 2 of my 3-part series on the top 3 Calendar Year-End Financial Processes. [See Part 1 here] Let’s dive right on in and take a look about a […]